
Frequently Asked Dental Questions Part 1

Dental Q & A with Dr. Martin and Dr. Taylor

Recognized as two of the nation’s top dentists, Dr. Jeff Martin and Dr. William Taylor are frequently asked dental questions. We sat down with the doctors and asked them to share some of the most common or interesting questions they’ve been asked and, of course, their answers!

What are the dangers of oral piercings?

Dr. Martin says wearing jewelry on the tongue or anywhere in the mouth or lips can cause a person to chip, crack or even break their teeth, especially if the jewelry worn is metal. Often this happens when someone sneezes or gets sick to their stomach. Piercings can also cut tissue which then can easily become infected.

I have a terrible fear of going to the dentist. What should I do?

This is a very solvable problem. Dr. Taylor encourages people to come into the office and discuss the options available to them to deal with their anxiety. He says that many folks who have suffered with fear of the dentist for many years have had terrific results when given conscious sedation at Martin Taylor Dentistry. It is a safe and effective means to help anxious patients totally relax, yet remain awake, while they receive the dental care they need.

There are so many toothpastes to choose from; how do I know which one to use?

Dr Taylor recommends using any toothpaste you prefer, just be sure it has fluoride. If you have sensitive teeth, using a desensitizing toothpaste such as Sensodyne can help.

What can I do about sensitive teeth?

Use a desensitizing toothpaste such as Sensodyne. Having exposed root surfaces on teeth is what causes the sensitivity. Desensitizing toothpastes contain an agent that bonds with any exposed root surfaces. This protects the sensitive area. Dr Martin suggests first brushing with your regular toothpaste and then using the desensitizing toothpaste on the sensitive areas.

What can I do about my bad breath?

Dr. Taylor says that good oral hygiene will take care of most bad breath issues. That includes brushing your teeth regularly, flossing daily and seeing your dentist twice a year for professional cleanings. Another practice that can help address bad breath is the use of tongue scrapers. Rinsing  your mouth with mouthwash, especially after eating sugary things, can also help. If you have done all of these things and still suffer from bad breath, you may want to visit your medical doctor as it could be a systemic gastrointestinal issue.

How long will the results of teeth whitening last?

Dr. Martin answered, “A long, long time! For patients getting teeth whitening trays from Martin-Taylor, we can provide extra bleaching to do monthly touch ups if needed.”

I just found out I am pregnant. How can this affect my mouth?

The hormones from pregnancy can cause gum sensitivity and tenderness and can make them more prone to inflammation . The best way to address this, according to Dr. Taylor, is to make sure to follow good oral hygiene at home and be sure to get professional cleanings.

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You will love our Martin Taylor Dentistry office. You will also enjoy the special way we say thanks to every new patient.

Dr. William Taylor

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