White Fillings in Tucson AZ are providing incredible benefits over older and unsightly amalgam metal fillings
Do you have a cavity which needs to be filled or an old and ugly metallic filling that you would like to be replaced with a more attractive option? If so, you should ask Dr. Jeff Martin, Dr. William Taylor and the team at Martin Taylor Dentistry in Tucson, AZ about white composite fillings.
Patients who come in to see Dr. Taylor and Dr. Martin know that any new fillings which are needed will be done using natural looking white composite resin. It provides a natural, attractive appearance that is not noticeable to others and it provides strong and long-lasting protection. But can white composite fillings be used to replace older, unattractive metallic amalgam fillings? The answer is yes!
Amalgam Fillings
Many patients are looking to replace their metallic (amalgam) fillings for many reasons. Metallic fillings are incredibly noticeable. Patients find that they are increasingly self-conscious about having a mouthful of noticeable metal fillings that can be seen by others. Another reason patients are looking to have these fillings removed is due to the mercury contained within. Mercury can have an adverse effect on a patient’s overall health. Dentists across the world are increasingly moving away from these mercury containing fillings in favor of composite fillings.
Composite Fillings
Composite fillings, unlike amalgam, are near invisible to the eye. They are white in appearance and are crafted to blend in with the remaining natural tooth material. The composite is a mixture of plastic and glass and does a great job restoring and strengthening teeth which suffer from decay. Composite material can be used for more than just fillings and is often used in other cosmetic procedures including teeth reshaping.
If you are curious about the composite that your dentist uses, just ask them and they will be happy to provide any information they can. Placing the composite filling is an extremely simple process. Once it is shaped to fit your tooth, it is placed and then hardened using a special light designed just for that process. The composite will then be polished for a more natural appearance. Once the composite is in place, your tooth will be as strong as ever.
If you are in the Tucson, AZ area and in need of a composite white filling, call Martin Taylor Dentistry at (520) 600-6925 for an appointment.