Is Dr. Martin the Best Dentist in Tucson?
ohn cried the day he got his dentures. He simply could not get over the fact that not only was he finally getting a beautiful smile, but he was getting it from Dr. Jeff Martin, a man he considered to be the best dentist in Tucson!

John and Dr. Jeff Martin met at the Gospel Rescue Mission. Dr. Martin was there to volunteer and John was there to get his life back. Obviously, John hadn’t always lived at the mission. Years ago he had a wife and a child. He had a job and worked hard to provide for his family. But John was an alcoholic and eventually it cost him everything. John lost his job. He lost his home. He lost his wife. He lost his daughter.
He ended up having to live on the street. He fought alcoholism for many years. He lost many of the early battles. Without the means to get medical or dental care, his health was on the decline. He had lost many of his teeth and hope for a better life seemed impossible at times. Life on the street can quickly drain away a man’s dignity.
Once John entered the Gospel Rescue Mission he began winning his daily battle with drinking. Over time, with the drinking under control, all the other parts of his broken life started to come together. He was healing. He was stronger. He felt ready.
He hadn’t seen his daughter since she was just a little girl, but now she was 18 years old. Would she even remember him? He contacted her with just the slightest glimmer of hope she would even talk with him. But she did! And she wanted to meet him!
So many aspects of his life were improving and healing. Where despair and hopelessness had once resided, John’s heart now overflowed with anticipation of a new life, a life that included his precious daughter! But there was one thing that still brought John embarrassment and shame … his teeth.
He wanted to make a good impression. He had worked so hard to get back on his feet but every time he smiled, his teeth were a reminder of his ugly past.
When Dr. Martin heard John’s story he immediately arranged for John to come to his office to receive the best dental care he could possibly provide. Dr Martin vividly recalls the day John received his dentures. He remembers John’s joyful tears but, he also remembers it as one of those defining moments in his own life. The moment he saw John smile, with his perfectly fitted dentures, Dr. Martin knew without a shadow of a doubt he had chosen the right career.
Was he the best dentist in Tucson? Dr. Martin knew he wanted to be that kind of dentist. However, for John that day, when his new smile matched his new lease on life, you could never convince him Dr. Martin wasn’t already the best dentist in Tucson!
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