Amber just wasn’t sure. Her dentist had recommended she have extensive dental work done. She trusts her dentist, but with something this involved, she knew she would feel better if she could get another dentist’s opinion. What is her next step? Who should she see? Will it “hurt” her dentist’s feelings if she gets a second opinion?

Searching out a second opinion is a valuable step when we’re facing any big decision. Getting more than one perspective and gathering as much information as we can in order to make the right choice can really make the decision-making process less nerve-racking.
Put your mind at ease
Sometimes we just need to hear that the option presented is the best choice we can make. Getting a second opinion does not hurt your dentist’s feelings. Doctors and dentists understand that when it comes to your health or the health of your children, it is important to feel confident you are making the best choice. Because we have two dentists in our office, patients at Martin Taylor Dentistry can easily get a second or even third opinion right then and there!
Get your questions answered
We all communicate in different ways. It’s important to have all your questions answered in a way you fully understand. If you have questions you do not feel your dentist is answering in a way that makes sense to you, seeking a second opinion is an excellent option. Sometimes just having something explained in a different way can clear up your confusion.
Learn other available options
Different dentists have varying levels of skill, training, and equipment available in their office which can offer different options for a patient. For example, Drs. Martin and Taylor are licensed to administer conscious sedation, which can open up many options for patients with any type of dental phobia, but not all dentists are able to provide this service. Additionally, while some dentists feel more comfortable sticking to how they’ve always done things, Drs. Martin and Taylor enjoy keeping up with the new technologies and can offer services other general dentists may not.
Drs. Martin and Taylor are happy to provide second opinions. Patients are of course free to return to their regular dentist after the consultation. Martin Taylor Dentistry will share information with other dentists at the patient’s request.
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