Whether you are pregnant with your first child or your fourth, you do your best to avoid any potential dangers to your unborn child. Getting x-rays while pregnant seems to be one of those dangers to avoid. However, such is not the case with dental x-rays. Whereas there are types of x-rays you do want to avoid, any pregnant woman who gets dental x-rays at Martin Taylor Dentistry has no need for concern. So the answer to the question “Are Dental X-Rays Safe If You are Pregnant?” is YES, they are perfectly safe!

2 Main Reasons Dental X-Rays are Safe During Pregnancy
When obtaining x-rays at Martin Taylor Dentistry, you are given a lead apron which we drape over you and your belly. This apron blocks any x-rays from reaching you or your baby. We also use something called a “thyroid collar” which blocks any x-rays from the neck area. Together these safeguards provide 100% protection from any dental x-rays.
However, the second reason dental x-rays are safe during pregnancy is that they use an infinitesimal amount of radiation in comparison with other types of x-rays such as a CT scan. Plus dental x-rays are directed to a very specific point and are not hitting other places on your body.
Full protection and extremely low radiation aimed at a small specific area of the jaw are the reasons dental x-rays while pregnant are perfectly safe at Martin Taylor Dentistry.
Why Would I Need Dental X-Rays While Pregnant?
As a matter of standard practice, Martin Taylor Dentistry only obtains x-rays if necessary for pregnant women. So why would it be necessary? Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause increased susceptibility to gingivitis and periodontal issues. If an infection is suspected, it needs to be treated. An infection in the body can be dangerous to not only you but also to your unborn child.
Because of these hormonal changes, it is especially important that pregnant women get regular dental check ups and cleanings. If a problem is discovered, rest assured that dental x-rays taken in our office while you are pregnant are perfectly safe. If you do not have a regular dentist, please give us a call and we will get you right in to see one of our award-winning dentists, Dr. Jeff Martin or Dr. William Taylor.
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